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Delusions of the Left

Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy spoke on January 12, 2005.  In that speech, he said such things like "although our party is in the minority, we represent the majority..." as he railed on against anything that our beloved President does or may support, especially anything that may empower you, the people.  What really turns my stomach is the prospect that Sen. Kennedy actually believes the stuff he is shovelling out.

"The elite left simply cannot believe that the people do not want to be led through life by a nanny-government that tells everyone precisely how to live."

Rush and Hannity have both posited that the elite left is in denial.  The elite left simply cannot believe that the people do not want to be led through life by a nanny-government that tells everyone precisely how to live.  Example: the government, led by then-First Lady Hillary Clinton, says you need healthcare, so it plans to legislate away 1/7 of the economy and socialize medicine.  As part of that statute, it would criminalize all private healthcare -- would you want to skip the six-month wait for a transplant and pay for it yourself, both you and the doctor would be looking at prison time.  The people saw that boondoggle and threw the Democrats out of Congressional control for the first time in two generations.

Now, our beloved president wants to keep the left from spending Social Security money on controlling you.  Instead, we conservatives want to empower you to control the private investment of your money.  Aside from the economic mega-boom caused by the capital infusion, this portends to quadruple the average retirement benefit of someone who is 35 at this time.  This, of course, has the elite left in a tizzy.  Their primary weapon to keep themselves out of political oblivion is to terrorize the elderly with wild stories that conservatives plan to take away their Social Security.  The people had the opportunity to respond to this fearmongering, and they did in November.  Mandate for GOP!

"I fully believe that, were it not for the libels spread by the left-leaning press, our President could have engineered a 49-state sweep."

Sen. Kennedy argued that President Bush’s over sixty million votes, the largest presidential get in history, was not even close to a mandate.  Our beloved President won by well over three million votes, and commanded the state count, the county count, and most of the counties in the so-called "blue states!"  I fully believe that, were it not for the libels spread by the left-leaning press, our President could have engineered a 49-state sweep.  I further believe that our mandate is evident in our gains in both houses of the Congress, including the ouster of the Senate Minority Leader.  I also believe that the election of Arnold Schwartzenegger in California, and the razor-tight gubernatorial race in Washington state, as well as our gain in statehouses and legislatures, firmly evidences a growing mandate for real change.

The people are smart.  We know B.S. when we hear it.  Now, the left is imminently close to total irrelevancy and is doing whatever it can to shore up its base, as Rush has said.  Kennedy had to say what he said, or his fractious base would shatter, according to Rush.  I agree, but I also fear that he actually believes this ridiculous crap.  He is trying desperately to stand in the way of the 80-mph freight-train of Social Security reform, and is trying to ensure that paternalistic semi-communist oligarch populate the bench.

Time to worry?  If the GOP wimps out, you bet.  If not, it’s time to celebrate, as we see the people prosper as never before, when the trillions of investment dollars hit the economy from reformed Social Security plan.  We’ll become even more innovative, and will command massive industries that don’t yet exist.  We will grow the economy, with solid fundamentals, at a pace that will make the Internet bubble seem like a depression.  And the whole time, the elite left will whine that we are in the middle of a disaster, and may actually believe it.