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More Shameful Lies from C-BS!

According to the latest C-BS poll, President Bush has a 34 percent approval rating and a 59 percent disapproval rating.  Sounds ominous until you check on the poll internals.  Doing that shows that C-BS, as per usual, has made up a phony news story.  After Dan Rather’s phony documents and the phony weapons store scandal, you’d think that we’d finally be past this garbage and C-BS would have learned its lesson.  Think again.

Here are the poll’s internals, as provided on their PDF and duly recited at this link from Newsbusters:

  • "Total Republicans" contacted: 272 unweighted and 289 weighted.
  • "Total Democrats" contacted: 409 unweighted and 381 weighted.
  • "Total Independents" contacted: 337 unweighted and 348 weighted.

"So, according to this pollster, on its weighted numbers this country is 28.39 percent GOP, 37.43 percent Democratic and 34.18% Independent.  These assumptions are so facially ludicrous that I ought not to spend another second on them.  But I shall, for the sake of proving that it was the pollsters’ intent to fraudulently embellish these results."

So, according to this pollster, on its weighted numbers this country is 28.39 percent GOP, 37.43 percent Democratic and 34.18% Independent.  These assumptions are so facially ludicrous that I ought not to spend another second on them.  But I shall, for the sake of proving that it was the pollsters’ intent to fraudulently embellish these results.

Let’s look at the last two congressional elections’ results, where the people voted over 50% GOP, or even 2004, where the last Presidential election went over 50% GOP.  Let’s look at the fact that, since 1994, Democrats have failed to obtain a majority of aggregate congressional votes, and since 1976 have failed to win a majority of Presidential popular votes.  Let’s look at the unweighted sample, where the pollsters chose to sample 40.18% Democrats and 26.71% GOP.  However, others have, noting the outlandishly high "independent" (read: closet Democrat) sample.  From a wise commenter on Newsbusters: "You might as well say that the CBS poll of Bush’s 34% approval rating was derived from polling 27% Republicans, and 73% Democrats."

There are only two ways to explain the sampling error, especially when it is this outlandishly high:  Wishful thinking or Fraud.  Any honest pollster would have thrown out the data.  If you oversample liberals by 22 percent of the whole, you are coming close to doubling their actual representation in the poll.  I am not a mathematician; I am not a statistician; I am not a pollster.  I don’t need to be one in order to figure out that this poll is skewed.  I therefore conclude that wishful thinking is not at play, and we’re witnessing fraud.

Is there any wonder why the 2004 exit polls failed to predict the outcome of the election?  The extreme Left is so dispirited and depressed that they cannot figure out a way to deal with their utter popular rejection.  They then immaturely seek to manipulate the thoughts of the populace with rigged polls.  Do they honestly think that the people are so stupid that they will change their minds to match up with a poll, much less a poll from a discredited news outfit with a history of fabricating anti-Bush stories?

"These lies are shameful.  If they would poll honestly, our President’s approval rating would be between 55-65%.  In fact, I think that it is time that bloggers commission honest polls and use their outlets to circulate their results."

These lies are shameful.  If they would poll honestly, our President’s approval rating would be between 55-65%.  In fact, I think that it is time that bloggers commission honest polls and use their outlets to circulate their results.  I am willing to chip in.  Will other bloggers, and perhaps some of our luminaries like Rush and Hannity, help fund these polls?  We could disclose our methods in great detail, and back our samples with something that C-BS has long abandoned:  facts.  We could disclose our questions, and even vet these questions among a bloggers’ committee to ensure that they are neutral and not designed to create a spin on the results.

The other shameful thing in this whole matter, aside from the lies and overt attempts to manipulate elections, is the idea that polls are used to manufacture news stories.  Rush has rightly, and often, decried this practice.  Take a poll, and make a news story out of it.  Now, we cannot outlaw this practice; the First Amendment preserves the rights of these yellow journalists to do these things.  However, we can loudly object, and note that polls, and their results, are not news if a news organization commissions them.  Our goal would be to create an ethical stench around the use of polls to manufacture news.  The mainstream media has done so much to demonstrate their complete obeisance to the ultra-extreme Left wing that their credibility must be considered as zero until they demonstrate true balance.  Fox is balanced.  Of course, to the extreme Left, Fox is a flunky of the right for even allowing someone like Sean Hannity airtime without the presence of torture devices.

C-BS gets yet another spot in our Hall of Shame.  Soon we’ll have to add a wing just for these liars.