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Friday, April 26, 2024

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Denying Christians the Right to Vote

Garrison Keillor said on Nov. 10 that he thinks that Born-Again Christians ought to be denied the right to vote -- by Constitutional Amendment.  Thanks to Amy Ridenour for posting about this atrocity.  And that’s what this manner of comment is.  It is of the same spirit as the loony lefties applying for refugee status to enter Canada, or advocating secession because the Democrats lost.  I don’t care that Keillor later retracted the statement by qualifying it as a joke.  Were George Bush to have joked that he wanted to deny gays the right to vote, there would have been 20,000 burning effigies of the President, loud calls for his impeachment, and rioting in San Francisco and Greenwich Village.  Thank God our President supports the rights of the people.  What really irks me is that Keillor, this elitist snob who obviously thinks that those of us who believe in Jesus Christ are subhuman, has received no substantive criticism in the press.

"This anti-God attitude will destroy our nation if left unchecked."

This anti-God attitude will destroy our nation if left unchecked.  The Defense Department bowed to the ACLU’s lawsuit and dropped sponsorship of the Boy Scouts of America because they believe in God.  Now the Boy Scouts can still meet on military bases, but only in areas designated for civilian activity.  Why thanks there!  There can be no official recognition of the good that comes from the Boy Scouts because it may be taken as an endorsement of God?  These are the same insane window-lickers that believe that the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance subvert our government to the church. 

"These are the people who simply don’t want separation of Church and State.  They hate God.  They hate the very concept of an immutable force of good in the universe."

These are the people who simply don’t want separation of Church and State.  They hate God.  They hate the very concept of an immutable force of good in the universe.  They hate the concept that we are more than a mere random development, but rather an example of God’s transcendent engineering skills.  They hate any concept that would impose a conscience upon them.  They hate any concept that would render them accountable for themselves or their acts.  And worse for their hatred, God is not mere concept.  He is the creator of everything.  They know it but cannot let it pass their foolish lips.  They know that is is utterly impossible for primordial slime to randomly turn into even a single celled organism, much less a person!

They want not to be free, which God advocates; they want absolute license to live life with no controls.  They fail to realize, or worse, realize and choose to ignore, that the controls of conscience and right / wrong exist to prevent chaos.  It is because of God that we don’t kill people for door-to-door selling during dinner time.  It is because of God that we lock up child molesters and murderers and rapists and kidnappers and robbers.  It is because of God that we are sickened by thugs like Saddam, Arafat, Hitler, Stalin and the like.  So, when they overload with the truth of God in every aspect of their lives, they react harshly and usually viciously.  They try to stamp the very mention of God out of our society, as if wishing away that which they cannot tolerate will actually make it go away.

"The next step is persecution.  When they cannot wish God out of all of our hearts, the seeds of persecution are sown.  They deride and look down upon those of us who are ’primitive’ because we believe in God.  In reality, the primitivity lies with those who hate and deny God."

The next step is persecution.  When they cannot wish God out of all of our hearts, the seeds of persecution are sown.  They deride and look down upon those of us who are "primitive" because we believe in God.  In reality, the primitivity lies with those who hate and deny God.  They will stoop lower and lower until they kill those who do not accept their warped world view.  Ask Nero.  Ask Hitler.  Ask Stalin. Ask Mao Tse-Tung.  All of these evil despots tried to stamp God out of life.  Believe me when I say that a single comment advocating a Constitutional Amendment to bar Christians from voting is indeed the first persecution.

I was originally going to admit Garrison Keillor into the Hall of Shame.  I think instead that I will appeal for Christians everywhere to pray for this man to see his folly before it is too late.