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State of the Implosion

Our President shone brilliantly last night in his first State of the Union address since his re-election.  I knew he was doing well when the elite lefties started to boo him when he talked of Social Security reform, yet our beloved president kept on speaking confidently, making his point with eloquence and cogency.  As our President continued, he made point after point, and sunk the stake into the heart of the vampire when he noted that the members of Congress, along with many other Federal employees, already participate in the Thrift Savings Plan, a plan nearly identical to what he proposes for Social Security!

"But, if there was any doubt of our President’s success, it was completely erased when I saw Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, the minority leaders of the House and Senate, respectively, with their whine in response to the address."

But, if there was any doubt of our President’s success, it was completely erased when I saw Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, the minority leaders of the House and Senate, respectively, with their whine in response to the address.  As Fred Barnes said last night, Pelosi and Reid had no new ideas, no new proposals, just the same old grousing and whining.  Where they could not back up their whines with facts, they made them up, like Mr. Reid’s "40% benefit cut" B.S.,  Now I don’t yet know how Senator Reid comes up with that ridiculous figure, but I speculate that the senator is trying to pull the wool over the People’s eyes by excluding any benefit to be had from the personal retirement accounts, treating any money that does not come directly from the government (and hence makes you dependent upon them) as non-existent.

"The Democrats, now run by the socialist leftists from top to bottom, do not trust you to have a brain.  They think that only they, not you, have any wisdom or understanding."

The Democrats, now run by the socialist leftists from top to bottom, do not trust you to have a brain.  They think that only they, not you, have any wisdom or understanding.  The whine-response from last night shows this.  Immediately after the family of one of our fallen heroes gets hugged by one of the Iraqi voters whom that hero helped to liberate, Rep. Pelosi calls us an "occupying force!"  In the minds of these people, America is always wrong, unless a Democrat is in the Oval Office.  The press is a willing accomplice to the lied of these people, who grow more desperate as they become more irrelevant by the minute.

Rush has called the Democrats’ progression into oblivion "rot," intentionally choosing that term over the word "implosion," favored by Hannity and others.  I consider Rush to be a hero of the republic, and I regret to say that I agree with Hannity and the others in this case.  Last Night was the Democrats’ State of the Implosion address, and the state of their complete implosion is strong indeed.

I was a tad worried about the Social Security reform’s fate in the Congress.  Now, I can tell you that I think that this is the Democrats’ Waterloo.  People do not trust the elite lefty press.  Their B.S. threshold has been exceeded.  So their rah-rah cheerleading for socialist causes falls upon deaf ears.  The Democrats will have no power to stop anything in the House, where the President will get 100% of what he wants.  The Dems will then filibuster in the Senate, causing Dr. Frist to unleash the thermonuclear option, forever ending this obstructionist tool for tyranny of the minority.  Finally, in a last-ditch effort to stop the people from being given the freedom they deserve, the socialists will run to the courts, trying to get the law overturned.  That will fail.

Then, we’ll have the 2006 elections.

After those elections, I predict a 62-38 GOP majority in the Senate, and at least 300 GOP House seats.

This is why I think that there is an implosion in progress.  "Rot" implies long-term decline.  What the Democrats are doing is hopping into the Ferraris that they want to ensure that only they can afford, speeding up to 200 MPH, and driving at speed into the Grand Canyon at its widest point.  In their vain hope of jumping the chasm between their antiquated semi-communist-semi-fascist dogma and what the people actually want, they are falling way, way down into that chasm of their own making.

Implosion?  Absolutely!