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Dickie Durbin's Crocodile Tears

"Senator" -- and I use that term loosely, Dickie Durbin, Democrat from Illinois (ugh, my home state), apologized on the floor of the Senate for comparing our heroic brave troops to the Nazis and Pol Pot.  He made the original comparison with regards to the alledeg mistreatment of terrorist prisoners at Guantanamo Bay Country Club and Spa -- oops, I mean detention facility.  After the comments, there was a firestorm of conservative outrage, completely deserved, aimed at the "senator." 

The crescendo peaked when the powerful Democratic Mayor of Chicago, Richard M. Daley, joined in condemning this traitor’s remarks.  Mayor Daley has a son, Patrick, in the Army now.  Perhaps his realization that this traitor compared his hero son to the likes of Himmler and Eichmann and Heydrich motivated mayor Daley to action.  Hence Durbin got on the floor and issued a fake apology.

"Durbin is not admitting that he is an America-hating armed-forces-hating political hack who will stop at nothing whatsoever to fuel up the extreme left kook base.  In fact, he is not admitting anything wrong."

"But John, you’re supposed to be a Christian and you’re supposed to forgive everyone without exception for everything every time!"  This is absolutely true.  I am a Christian, and Christians are obliged to forgive everything without limitation.  In fact, it’s a precondition of God’s forgiveness of that Christian.  I am not declaring unforgiveness, I am declaring that I think that Durbin faked his apology.  "Some may believe that my remarks crossed the line. To them I extend my heartfelt apologies."  That is the "apology" in a nutshell.  Durbin is not admitting that he is an America-hating armed-forces-hating political hack who will stop at nothing whatsoever to fuel up the extreme left kook base.  In fact, he is not admitting anything wrong.  He is essentially saying, "OK, I am so sorry that you’re oversensitive to my remarks."

Then out came the crocodile tears.  Referring to the troops he had slandered in the floor mere days ago, he said, "They’re the best. I never, ever intended any disrespect for them."  Yeah, right.  "If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings," that was the original slander.  It is impossible to compare our heroes to the most evil regimes the world has ever had the misfortune to endure and to not mean disrespect.

"What torture techniques, "Senator" Durbin?  Was the orange sauce on their braised chicken tepid?"

I am a firm believer that a person shows his true colors with his first utterances.  When conservatives rightly bashed Durbin’s evil disparagement of our heroic and innately good armed forces, and demanded his apology, Durbin said, "This administration should apologize to the American people for abandoning the Geneva Conventions and authorizing torture techniques that put our troops at risk and make Americans less secure."  What torture techniques, "Senator" Durbin?  Was the orange sauce on their braised chicken tepid?  Ohh, you must mean that a terrorist was exposed to uncomfortable climate control.  Do you want to know what torture is, "Senator" Durbin?  Aside from the horrid torture of having to listen to your speeches, ask your fellow senator, John McCain.  While I don’t agree with his politics or methods, he is an undisputed war hero who was really tortured.

There is something else.  These terrorists are not subject to the Geneva Conventions and should never be.  They never follow the rules of war.  If the Geneva Conventions apply, then each and every one of these terrorists is a war criminal!  They intentionally kill innocent bystanders, feign surrender in order to lull our troops into mercy, only to kill them, and commit innumerable other documented atrocities.  Nonetheless, we feed these people better than we do our own field troops, we house them in conditions costing, per prisoner, more than $30,000 above the median single family home price, we kow-tow to their religious preferences, we supply them with their Quran books, we do not impede their exercise of their religion.  We only impede their ability to do this again:

This is what we have to remember:  These people are terrorists who want to destroy us!  They are not the "good guys!"  They are the worst of the bad guys, and they have the blood of thousands of innocents on their hands.  I do not consider a warm room and loud rap music to be "torture."  No reasonable person could, although some may argue that the rap music comes close to the line.  We are trying to prevent another 9/11 here, folks!  The leftists want you to forget why we’re fighting, because if you remember you will see the utter folly of their attacks on our beloved President and our heroic armed forces.  Dickie Durbin wants to get power back, so he can help put the thumb of the left on your neck, rip out your wallet, and implement his warped vision of utopia on you without your consent.  So, to refresh your memories, we will continue to show the pictures that the mainstream press now wants to suppress.  Never forget 9/11!

"As to Dickie Durbin, his fake apology is what it is.  A fake apology.  His first words were the ones we ought to believe."

As to Dickie Durbin, his fake apology is what it is.  A fake apology.  His first words were the ones we ought to believe.  As to what should happen to him, look at Trent Lott.  He made an off-the-cuff comment that was warped to mean something it was not; for his innocent comment he lost leadership in the Senate.  Here, the #2 Democrat in the Senate intentionally slanders our troops and intentionally compares them to the worst and most evil tyrants the world has ever seen, intentionally and knowingly giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this country.  Why?  Because he wants to hurt our President and his political party.

Dickie Durbin should be drummed out of Senate leadership as soon as possible.  Moreover, the voters of Illinois are duty bound as citizens of the United States to unseat this traitor in 2006, and to replace him with someone who will actually take his or her oath of office seriously.  Anything less is an endorsement of Durbin’s evil treason.  I forgive his remarks, but that does not mean that there should be no consequences to these wrongful actions.