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Our President and his Detractors

Our President, George W. Bush, spoke last night.  He made it crystal clear that we are making real progress in Iraq; it is nowhere near the "quagmire" that the left-wing press makes it out to be.  He made it clear why we are in Iraq:  We are there so the terrorists will not be here!  Nonetheless, the Democrats, who notwithstanding their protests hate this country, hate President Bush, hate all things American, and hate freedom (unless it is their own), had to whine and complain.

"These complainers are intentionally giving aid and comfort to the enemy.  Why?  They cannot win at the polls on their ideas, so they desperately try to get the people angry at the GOP so that a vote for the left wing is their only alternative."

These complainers are intentionally giving aid and comfort to the enemy.  Why?  They cannot win at the polls on their ideas, so they desperately try to get the people angry at the GOP so that a vote for the left wing is their only alternative.  They know while they complain that we would ensure the defeat of freedom in the Middle East by giving a certain withdrawal date.  They do not care if they kill freedom (remember that they hate freedom unless they are the only ones who have it); they are looking for political advantage.  They need this advantage in order to buffalo the people into putting them into power again.  They are enraged at all of you who voted for the GOP, for they feel that they are destined to rule over you.

They are angry at our beloved President for reminding the people about September 11, 2001.  He darned well better remind us!  A repeat of September 11 is unacceptable.  Our President knows that.  He is working, as the primary mission of his presidency, to protect us from these evil murderers.  He is, to paraphrase Senator John Warner (R-VA), fighting the terrorists in the Mid-East so that we don’t have to fight them in the Midwest!  This whole war on terrorism and the evil terrorists is about preventing the ruthless murder of innocents.

"Now, the mews media, who wants the liberals back in power, tries to sugar-coat reality.  They avoid mention of 9/11 on the pretext that the events and the pictures are "disturbing."  Darned right they are disturbing!"

Now, the mews media, who wants the liberals back in power, tries to sugar-coat reality.  They avoid mention of 9/11 on the pretext that the events and the pictures are "disturbing."  Darned right they are disturbing!  Again I harp on with Churchill’s wise warning:  Those who do not learn from History are doomed to repeat it.  By trying to erase 9/11 from American memories, the press is trying to aid the leftist socialist Democrats back into power.  However, at the same time, the press is enabling the terrorists -- and they don’t care.  Make the people forget about 9/11, they reason, and they will forget why we’re at war.  So the president rightly reminded the people of just how evil these terrorists are.

John Warner, GOP senator from Virginia, said on Fox News last night that we need to "tone down the rhetoric" in this issue.  He specifically mentioned the rhetoric from both sides.  I respectfully disagree with the Senator.  We need to make it clear why we are in Iraq.  We need to call the evil left wing on their evil.  Liberalism is about the thumb of the privileged few on the neck of the common man.  Their programs are designed to entrap people into dependence upon the government.  But they cannot execute upon their plans unless they are in power.  Well, they are out of power, and every time since 1994, they have been rebuffed by the people.  So they are now desperately resorting to slandering the elected leaders, since their actual agenda sickens the people.  The people are wiser than that.

Our President delivered a forceful, effective and brilliant defense of our war in Iraq.  If the press truthfully reported the issues, it would not have been necessary.  We live in a free country, and we do not have the power to force the left wing to shut up, thank God.  Instead we will shoot down their ideas with vigorous public debate.  In the end, our logic will win the day over the comsummate power-grubbing lies of the socialist left.