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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

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Tunnel Capture Highlights Improved Security

People like the Minutemen, whom I admire greatly, concentrate on our Southern border as a weak fron in the war on Terror.  However, yesterday, we found out about an elaborate reinforced-concrete tunnel extending for 150 yards under our Northern border, from Washington state into Canada.  Yesterday, Homeland Security and the DEA raided the tunnel, arresting three suspects.  Big Security Breach?  Hardly.  The agents discovered the tunnel’s construction while just commencing, eight months ago.  They watched silently until the tunnel was complete, and then sprung their trap.

"The patience of the Border and DEA officials to wait until the tunnel was complete allowed more bad guys to be caught, after they spent enormous resources building their tunnel."

The patience of the Border and DEA officials to wait until the tunnel was complete allowed more bad guys to be caught, after they spent enormous resources building their tunnel.  The agents’ patience also opens the possibility of finding out more about the bad guys, including their leaders.  Was the tunnel intended to smuggle drugs?  Was it intended to smuggle tax-free goods?  Or was it intended to smuggle terrorists?  We now have a good chance to answer these questions.

So, I guess that the left-wing nabobs of negativity have nattered in vain.  We’ve been on this breach since its construction commenced.  We watched them move out enough soil to dig a 150 yard long, four foot high, four foot wide, tunnel.  Our security was good enough to catch this obscure operation; how much better is it at catching and neutralizing even more audacious threats?

We can breathe more easily knowing that our security forces, especially at the Northern border, are taking their jobs seriously.  When the Southern border patrols are reinforced, these men and women who take their jobs seriously will be even more effective in protecting us.  Thanks to our vigilant security forces for protecting us so well.