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Wasted Minds, Wasted Ink, Wasted Time

Marvin Kalb has written an op-ed piece in which he compares the Karl Rove / Valerie Plame non-scandal to Watergate.  Mr. Kalb is a left-leaning journalst from that era, the one that taught the leftist press that the best way to unseat elected conservatives was to topple their administration via scandal.  It worked on Nixon, after all!  He theorizes that our President’s administration is "engaged in a two-front war" of covering up its allegedly-unjustified war in Iraq, and also to "protect the leaker."

"In fact, the leftist media has been going full-bore with the Michael Moore line on this war.  What is truly astounding, however, is what the soldiers say.  Unlike Vietnam, which was a poorly-fought war until Nixon came to power, the soldiers are generally very positive about the progress of the war."

I started writing this about five minutes before Rush began to talk today on this subject.  Rush theorizes -- no, this is not a theory, he notes -- that the left is trying to relive its glory days of turning the people against a war.  In fact, the leftist media has been going full-bore with the Michael Moore line on this war.  What is truly astounding, however, is what the soldiers say.  Unlike Vietnam, which was a poorly-fought war until Nixon came to power, the soldiers are generally very positive about the progress of the war.  "Insurgent" (read: terrorist) attacks have steadily been decreasing.  Have these terrorist thugs won?  Nope, they’re just becoming quite rare -- we’re capturing and killing them.

To reiterate the evidence on Saddam’s WMDs is too tiring.  So I’ll go to the heart of it:  After Saddam’s last "report" to the UN, Hans Blix, leftist UN weapons inspector, said that Saddam was hiding information.  Seventeen UN resolutions.  Congressional OK.  The war was just.  Any other conclusion is driven not by facts but by ideology.

As for Karl Rove, Patrick Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor (familiar to me since he is also my local U.S. Attorney) is known as a super-honest "Boy Scout" prosecutor.  He has said that Karl Rove is not a target of his investigation.  Judith Miller sits in jail and refuses to reveal her source for her Plame-related information.  But Karl Rove has publicly released all journalists from any confidentiality pacts.  So we know that her source is not Karl Rove.  Our other reporter, Matt Cooper, testified that Rove told him nothing about Plame’s former assignment.  The author of the law that the left says Rove broke says that he did not break that law!

"Is Joseph Wilson, Plame’s husband, the source that Judith Miller is trying to protect?  I think so."

Is Joseph Wilson, Plame’s husband, the source that Judith Miller is trying to protect?  I think so.  In that case, since the author of the law says that Plame’s outing was not a statutory violation, he is immune from prosecution.  However, he and the other leftists would be quite embarrassed if this information is true.  So is Judith Miller such a devout leftist that she would spend months in jail to prevent embarassment to her cohorts?  We lack the facts to answer that question.

And Marvin Kalb has the galling audacity to compare this non-scandal to Watergate?  his op-ed is a waste of time, a waste of words and a waste of mind.  He bases his opinions on "facts" that are patently untrue.  There is simply nothing new here.