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A Sickening and Shameful Media Spectacle!

I usually have very little respect for the left-wing propaganda machine that is the United States’ news media.  With few exceptions, the media conducts itself shamefully, yet shamelessly, as it continually attempts to topple an innocent President, for no other reason than their disagreement with his popularly-ratified ideology.  That is something the founders certainly never envisioned when they drafted a free press into the Bill of Rights; that does not change the fact that it is happening.

"New Orleans was basically destroyed by this hurricane.  The media has jumped on wholesale to blame our President for this hurricane and its aftermath.  How dare they!"

The last straw, the one that got me angry enough to comment today, is the coverage of Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath.  New Orleans was basically destroyed by this hurricane.  The media has jumped on wholesale to blame our President for this hurricane and its aftermath.  How dare they!  While articles say that this disaster has blown off our President’s "mask of confidence," they absolutely ignore the massive efforts the White House put into motion, even before the hurricane struck!  This intentionally-false reporting is shameful and libelous.

Our President mobilized FEMA before the hurricane hit.  What did the Democratic governor of Louisana or the Democratic mayor of New Orlaans do?  Not a thing, except issue some unfollowed "mandatory evacuation"  orders.  Their own disaster plan states: " ’The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating."  Yet Matt Drudge shows a flooded pool of buses that were never moved.  Considering that these local officials were best equipped to deal with this disaster, why did they do nothing, except, of course, to blame the President?

"Could it be that these Democrats let a few thousand of their constituents die a horrible death in order to smear the President?"

Could it be that these Democrats let a few thousand of their constituents die a horrible death in order to smear the President?  The mayor and governor knew or should have known their own disaster plans.  It is shameful, despicable and suspicious that they flouted their own written.  They certainly knew that New Orleans could only withstand a category 3 hurricane, andsaw that a category 5 was heading straight for them. 

What did they do?  They blew it, and then did not have the decency or the guts to admit that they blew it.  Their negligence could have been horrifyingly worse.  Were it not for an unexpected rush of dry air from the Midwest, Katrina would have hit New Orleans head-on at category 5.  Instead, it hit east, in Mississippi, at category 4.

The media, by and large, are failing, no refusing, to report the truth in this situation.  They’re not stupid.  They smell a chance to harm the President, and they will certainly take that chance.  Thart kind of brash disregard for their journalistic responsibilities is the pinnacle of evil deceptiveness.  All of this for political purposes.

"It is not the Federal Government’s responsibility to attend to every local disaster.  The governor of Louisana and mayor of New Orleans did virtually nothing."

It is not the Federal Government’s responsibility to attend to every local disaster.  The governor of Louisana and mayor of New Orleans did virtually nothing.  Contrast this with Haley Barbour, the governor of Mississippi, where the hurricane hit head-on.  He acknowledged the devasatation in Mississippi, which is just as bad as in Louisana (if not worse), and got down to the business of rescuing and rebuilding.  No whining about a "sluggish" response from the Feds.  Just businesslike determined work.

I can understand the whacko opinion pieces blaming this catastrophe on "global warming," even though the science of it, complete with numerous scientists, say that global warming, if it exists, could not have caused Katrina.  Forget those nut jobs.  They will blame the President for everything that they think ails us.  They know nothing of how to lead, only to carp.  Their inanity and insanity can be overlooked.

What enrages me is this absolute B.S. coming from the media, and the Louisana politicans whose dereliction of duty effectively murdered thousands of their citizens, and at that the poorest and most downtrodden, the ones that the left supposedly wants to help.  This is vile and evil and what makes it worse is the media endorsing, with its lies, the left’s attempts to blame their own screwups on the right.

"So the media tries to blame the lackadasical efforts of the governor of Louisana and mayor of New Orleans on our President.  Maybe if those buses were used the way they were supposed to be used, there would be zero fatalities.  We’ll never know."

So the media tries to blame the lackadasical efforts of the governor of Louisana and mayor of New Orleans on our President.  Maybe if those buses were used the way they were supposed to be used, there would be zero fatalities.  We’ll never know.  And we have the governor of Louisana and the mayor of New Orleans to thank for that.  We’ll also have nagging questions of their blame for the deaths of these thousands of people.  The media actively tries to hide these horrible derelictions of duty, because Democrats committed them.  They then try to blame the Federal government, which has responded brilliantly to this catastrophe, for the screwups.  This is despicable.

For the actual rescuing efforts, we have our President, as well as some other heroes, like the Governor of Texas and the entire citizenry of Houston, San Antonio, Dallas and a host of other places.  Their breathtaking goodness will be the subject of another article.  Their shining goodness, in the finest American tradition, gives me comfort in this dark hours, made all the darker by a media that has decided to turn evil in its attempts to smear a good President.