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Projection -- Or Is It?

"Projection: Projection is one of the defense mechanisms identified by Freud and still acknowledged today. According to Freud, projection is when someone is threatened by or afraid of their own impulses so they attribute these impulses to someone else."  Source: psychology glossary.  Nancy Pelosi calls our President a "danger" to America for his allegedly bad handling of the worst natural disaster in American history.  The mayor of New Orleans accuses our president of doing nothing in the aftermath of Katrina, after his having ignored his own written evacuation plan, resulting in the death of hundreds if not thousands of people.  The governor of Louisana criticizes federal inaction, after sitting on our President’s heartfelt pleas to call out her national guard.

"On its face, it seems as if Democrats are projecting their inadequacies onto our President.  The people, however, are not buying it."

On its face, it seems as if Democrats are projecting their inadequacies onto our President.  The people, however, are not buying it.  One liberal poll tried to blame our President for the handling of Katrina disaster response.  Only 13% of the people thought our President responsible for an allegedly-slow Federal response to the disaster.  But the poll, and the numerous left-wing attacks, say something horribly different.  It is sickening, and horrible, but these people are actually lying about the natural disaster, and our response, in order to try to destroy the GOP!  When Ivan and other hurricanes hit us, where were the GOP detractors attacking Bill Clinton’s much-later response?  Nowhere.  They were too busy actually helping people.

There is no sense of national duty or unity.  Billionaire Oprah Winfrey could easily spare $100 million to help victims.  Instead, she goes to New Orleans and records a tribute to the lackadasical mayor of New Orleans, whose negligent refusal to implement his own written disaster plan has stained his hands with the blood of every fatality in his city.  In typical liberal fashion, instead of accepting responsibility for his sloth and incompetence, he blames our President.  However, President Bush had no authority to act until he was asked to act.  He begged and pleaded before Katrina hit with the governor of Louisana for her to declare an emergency, so he could do more.  She sat on his pleas for days.  I still maintain that Governor Blanco’s inaction was in at least part motivated by a liberal desire to harm our President.  I hope I’m wrong but I think I am right.

"It is sickening and disheartening to see every leftist from Hillary Clinton to Teddy ’Chappaquidick’ Kennedy to Susan Estrich jump on and try -- the emphasis is on try -- to smear our President and all of his staff with specious accusations of closeted racism via slothfulness."

It is sickening and disheartening to see every leftist from Hillary Clinton to Teddy "Chappaquidick" Kennedy to Susan Estrich jump on and try -- the emphasis is on try -- to smear our President and all of his staff with specious accusations of closeted racism via slothfulness.  Did anyone notice that President Bush deployed FEMA BEFORE the storm hit?  One UK article derided Secretary of State Rice for being in New York, allegedly shopping for "$7,000 shoes," when the storm hit.  Now last I checked,  the Secretary of State is in charge of foreign diplomacy.  Was she supposed to launch a junket to meet the storm in the Gulf of Mexico and negotiate with it?  And who cares how much she spends on shoes?  It’s her money, right?  Finally, who the hell sells $7,000 shoes anywhere?  I admit a weakness for Gucci shoes, but I never paid a fraction of that much for them!

Robert F. Kennedy., Jr. uses the junkiest of junk science in an intentional effort to blame the hurricane itself of global warming.  If the alleged phenomenon of man-made global warming exists, it starts at the poles.  It melts the ice caps, and the cold water that floods into the oceans actually weakens hurricanes or disperses them altogether.  Strong hurricanes are a contra-indication of global warming!  I did not make that up; there are legions of scientists who said exactly this.  Moreover, these same scientists, worldwide, have said that the hurricane cycle is coming up to its normal 40-year zenith.  Camille was the killer storm last cycle; Katrina is the killer this time around.

Our President has been, well presidential.  He has avoided defending himself in the tide of this unwarranted and disgusting phony criticism.  I don’t blame him; these attacks are not worth his time.  I am happy to note that the people are not buying into the liberal lies that these people are telling.

So are the liberals projecting?  No.  They are smearing and attacking and hating and accusing.  They are showing themselves as the shrill, insecure whelps that they are.  As per usual.  They will stop at nothing to try to regain power.  The people, however, certainly have a different idea.  Thank God!