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Friday, April 19, 2024

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Doing What Needs to be Done

President George W. Bush came out last night, stepped to a podeum at Jackson Square in New Orleans, and redefined America.  Whether or not he intended or realized it, he has just killed the Democratic party.  It may take a while for the Dems to realize that they’ve been killed, but they are dead.  And it’s a long-overdue passing.  Sixty years of failed social engineering has nearly destroyed America.

Now, some of my fellow conservatives think that he has "gone LBJ" on us, and is forking over billions of dollars in the biggest dependency scheme of all time.  Wrong!  Our President clearly enunciated that he is not giving people handouts of money, the proven-failed depencency philosophy of the left wing.  He has declared the Conservative War on Poverty, and is doing every single thing correctly in that war plan.

"Instead of putting the poor on a dole that leaves them afraid to do anything, including fleeing a hurricane for fear of not getting their welfare money, our President plans to give them hope, making them taxpayers instead of entitlees.  That is Conservatism at its very core."

Take a close look at what our President is saying:  Rebuild better.  Give the people land, upon which they commit to build a home (the "Urban Homesteading" proposal).  Train them to do jobs that will enable them to pay for their homes, including the very infrastructure rebuilding that will be needed.  Instead of putting the poor on a dole that leaves them afraid to do anything, including fleeing a hurricane for fear of not getting their welfare money, our President plans to give them hope, making them taxpayers instead of entitlees.  That is Conservatism at its very core.  Get the Federal government the heck out of the way!

The Left has responded like a fatally-wounded beast.  Nancy Pelosi advocated money for health care and education, spouting the same thing that the Dems were saying when they were following Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  They also, led by Bill Clinton. demanded that our President roll back his tax cuts.  Thank God, our President has clearly refused.  No tax hikes!  It came out only an hour or so ago.  A tax hike will surely put a screeching halt to the economy.  Before the disaster, projected deficits were down over $100 billion because of the economic growth spurred by the tax cuts.  President Bush has wisely avoided the economic stupidity that tax hikes of any kind represent.

"Our President is doing what needs to be done.  He is rebuilding the infrastructure.  He is coming up with a means to turn slums into true neighborhoods.  Not by throwing cash at the poor people, but by enabling them to be their own people."

Our President is doing what needs to be done.  He is rebuilding the infrastructure.  He is coming up with a means to turn slums into true neighborhoods.  Not by throwing cash at the poor people, but by enabling them to be their own people.  Nothing could be more noble or good.  I did not see our President unzip the purse and let the pigs graze on the treasury.  I saw a smart man come up with a viable solution to a real problem.

From where will the money come to fund this rebuilding?  From spending cuts.  Our President said it today.  The money spent in the Gulf region will be an investment in the people.  And, from the sound of the President’s plan, it is to be invested wisely, and will gain a huge return for the People.