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Hillary May Not be the Heir Apparent

The press is fawning over Hillary Clinton, and has all but coronated her the Democratic Presidential candidate -- and President.  Susan Estrich has gone so far as to opine that a failure to elect Hillary would set the feminist movement back 20 years.  Dick Morris, political adviser extraordinare, has written a book that treats Hillary 2008 as a foregone conclusion, and further makes the case that the only person that the Republicans could run who could beat Hillary is Condoleezza Rice.  Now don’t get me wrong.  I am a huge Condi fan.  I have bookmarked and I think that she would be an outstanding President.  But, with all respect to Dick Morris, I don’t think that Hillary has the Democratic nomination sewn up.  In fact, I presently think that Hillary will not get the nomination.  My pick:  Al Gore.

"Mr. Gore is quietly and stealthily assembling a 2008 presidential run.  He has good reason to.  He is the darling of the extreme Left."

Mr. Gore is quietly and stealthily assembling a 2008 presidential run.  He has good reason to.  He is the darling of the extreme Left.  Of anyone I could think of, only Gore can assemble enough of the base to get nominated.  While Cindy Sheehan, backed by left-wing heavyweight (in more ways than one) Michael Moore, actively smears Hillary as "pro war," Al Gore has been loudly and stridently anti-war.  He’s Cindy’s Tiger-Beat dreamboat cutie hottie choice!  That means that the base will like him.  Hell, some of the shrillest of the Democratic base think that Al is the rightful president!  No wonder that Al Gore is working up a presidential run.  He has good reason to suspect that, if he runs, the nomination is an easy thing to obtain.

Hillary has other problems.  The radical feminists think that she is a turncoat.  Not that Hillary has turned coat in the least.  She’s still just as radical as ever.  However, she had the temerity and the galling audacity to dare to call abortion a "tragedy."  From the feminist reaction, one would have thought that she had gone to the Senate floor and proposed a Constitutional Amendment to ban abortion, and then went to a clinic to picket.  But, all she did was to fail to celebrate abortion.  That is all!  And for that failure, she has to tack way left to bring that faction of the base to her side.

"If Hillary wants the nomination, she has to kow-tow to the extreme Left.  As I have said before, as soon as she does that, she’s unelectable."

And there are more factions.  The militant atheists.  The labor unions, who want big companies to be unable to reduce benefits through bankruptcy, even though those very benefits are bankrupting the payers.  Ask United Airlines, Delta Airlines and Delphi Automotive.  The "civil rights" leadership, which commands a steadily decreasing influence with black America, demands more and more from the Democratic party.  The powerful teacher’s unions play directly against the people that the "civil rights" leaders purport to represent, by opposing any form of school vouchers that Black America wants, and knows would benefit them.  Why?  To lock people into government-run schools, the monopoly of mediocrity.  If Hillary wants the nomination, she has to kow-tow to the extreme Left.  As I have said before, as soon as she does that, she’s unelectable.

And, now onto the subject of electability... In order to have a springboard to the White House, Hillary needs to be in office while running.  Running for President from the Senate is rarely successful, if history is a guide.  But as a former senator, it’s never been done, unless the former Senator has held another high office, like a state governorship.  So Hillary has to be re-elected in 2006.  And therein lies the rub.  Jeanine Pirro (, a law-and-order GOP candidate, is gaining rapidly.  At this rate, Mrs. Pirro will be the one who is elected Senator.  One just does not lose a senate seat in 2006 and then become President two years later.

"Can Hillary pull the magic act and secure the base, and then morph into a candidate who could win the national election?  Sure, anything is possible.  The conservative base could be demoralized and choose to stay home on Election Day..."

In short, Hillary is not the heir apparent.  I see the GOP fielding Condi Rice and George Allen in 2008, and they are landslide winners no matter who comes first on the ticket.  And yes, yes, I know that McCain will be running (and losing).  Frist will run and lose.  Can Hillary pull the magic act and secure the base, and then morph into a candidate who could win the national election?  Sure, anything is possible.  The conservative base could be demoralized and choose to stay home on Election Day -- why do you think that there are all of these relentless attacks in the Leftist press?  But I think that’s unlikely.  We know what is at stake.  We won’t subject ourselves to the evils of liberalism / socialism just to send a message to our leaders.

Hillary is no schmuckette.  She may sit out rather than blow a later chance, and reposition herself for 2012 by running for governor of New York.  Perhaps by then, the Howard Dean moonbat faction may not be in control of the Democratic party by then.  Frankly, that’s the only way that the Democrats will avoid total self-destruction.  However, they don’t see the writing on the wall, as Rush is fond of saying.  They are reliving the past, and the end of this will be the end of the Democratic party.