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Hillary Goes Anti-American on Vouchers

Hillary Clinton, speaking yesterday, railed on against School Vouchers.  If you had any doubt that Hillary Clinton is an extreme leftist, her speech will allay your doubts.  She let her mindset slip right on through this speech, and probably didn’t even realize it.  Her speech may sound innocuous on its face, but read it carefully.  Kudos to Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh for jumping on this issue.  Especially to Michelle, who has been battling evil denial-of-service attacks.  Here is Mrs. Clinton’s speech:

"Suppose that you were meeting today to decide who got the vouchers. First parent comes and says ’I want to send my daughter to St. Peter’s Roman Catholic School’ and you say ’Great, wonderful school, here’s your voucher. Next parent who comes says, ’I want to send, you know, my child to the Jewish Day School. Great here’s your voucher! Next parent who comes says, "I want to send my child to the private school that I’ve already dreamed of sending my child to.’ Fine. Here’s your voucher.

"Next parent who comes says, ’I want to send my child to the school of the Church of the White Supremacist.’ You say, ’Wait a minute. You can’t send...we’re not giving a voucher for that.’ And the parent says, ’Well, the way that I read Genesis, Cain was marked, therefore I believe in white supremacy. And therefore, you gave it to a Catholic parent, you gave it to a Jewish parent, gave it to a secular private parent. Under the Constitution, you can’t discriminate against me.’

"Suppose the next parent comes and says ’I want to send my child to the School of...the Jihad.’ Wait a minute! We’re not going to send a child with taxpayers dollars to the School of Jihad. ’Well, you gave it to the Catholics, gave it to the Jews, gave it to the private secular people. You’re gonna tell me I can’t? I’m a taxpayer. Under the Constitution.’

"Now, tell me how we’re going to make those choices."

OK, Mrs. Clinton.  Here’s how we make those choices:  Don’t!  Those people who want to foster White Supremacy have every right to their evil, stupid, anti-Biblical, anti-American beliefs.  The job of the government is not to indoctrinate its citizens.  Those people who think that Jihad is needed have every right to their evil, bloody, anti-American, anti-Human beliefs.  The job of the government is not to indoctrinate its citizens.  Let me see if I can make this clear:  The job of the government is not to indoctrinate its citizens.

"Liberal support of the public school system has something to do with supporting teachers’ unions, a large and powerful Democratic constituency.  But that is not the core issue.  The core issue is indoctrination."

Liberal support of the public school system has something to do with supporting teachers’ unions, a large and powerful Democratic constituency.  But that is not the core issue.  The core issue is indoctrination.  Teach these kids that God is phony so that they will be more amenable to leftist relativism and will disdain Christianity, or for that matter, any religion that promotes moral purity.  Teach them to be dependent on the government, and to vote for the Democrats.  Teach them that Christianity and religion in general are evil, and to vote for the Democrats.  It sure helps the evil liberals that most public schools are populated with Democratic hacks that will relentlessly push the extreme leftist agenda.

The job of the government is not to indoctrinate its citizens.  The job of the government is not to indoctrinate its citizens.  The job of the government is not to indoctrinate its citizens!  Hillary Clinton opposes vouchers for two reasons:  1) It tends to marginalize the Democrats’ major constituency; but more importantly, 2) It dilutes Democratic indoctrination efforts.  She wants to have the government tell your kids and my kids what to think and how to think it.  She lets it slip.  She wants the government to choose what your kids hear, not the church of "White Supremacy" or "Jihad," both of which, not surprisingly, are terms that extreme liberal/socialist ideologues use to identify non-liberals (I was going to use the term "Republican," then "Conservative."  Then I realized that both terms were too restrictive.  Just like Al-Qaeda, liberals hate everyone who isn’t them.) on blogs like Daily Kos.

"I personally think that vouchers are great, but should also be coupled with the complete divestiture of all government-run schools."

I personally think that vouchers are great, but should also be coupled with the complete divestiture of all government-run schools.  Make every school provie that it can teach reading, writing, and other core classes competently, to a neutral standard.  Then every kid in the country gets a voucher for school, from preschool through high school graduation (or even a Bachelor’s degree), and the voucher pays a certain amount of money per kid per year.  Schools then compete for students on both price and excellence.  The schools that can teach your kids excellently for just the voucher will get the students.  Other schools will compete by offering other services, or an exclusive environment, or the like.  They’ll all be certified.  And they won’t avoid poor or minority neighborhoods, because the kids there will have the exact same amount of money per kid that the billionaires’ kids will.

In that scenario, all of those unionized teachers will have to put up their skills.  And the good teachers will be paid much more money, since they will attract the students.  Overhead expenses will go down.  Business is excellent at cutting overhead, while government by its nature attracts massive unnecessary overhead.  Tax revenues will go up, since private schools pay property taxes, and all public schools will be sold, probably to a private schooling corporation.  Even special education students will get a better shake at better schools, with the IDEA funding distrubuted in voucher form.

The number of elected positions, in school boards and taxing bodies, will go way down.  The U.S. Department of Education will either be eliminated, or the state school systems will.  Either way, there will be a uniform amount of money given out per child, and a simple standards body.  I personally support the state boards of education, with a national board that determines standards for education, but not the cirriculum.  If a kid can pass the standard test, the school is set.

This would be Hillary’s nightmare.  Kids with minds of their own.  If that happens, the Democrats are sunk.