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FactCheck.Org - Who wasn't hit?

The site is not exactly friendly to non-leftist causes. If you read their "fact checking" you will see many so-called facts gotten wrong by candidates, but they disagree with some minor point, or the context.


Am I the only one who noticed that the site could find nothing to pin on Carly Fiorina?

Also See:

Am I the only one who noticed that the site could find nothing to pin on Ted Cruz?

Am I the only one who noticed that the only thing the site could pin on Donald Trump is a disagreement on his claims of net worth?

Am I the only one who noticed that the site tried to accuse Scott Walker of lying when what he said was the exact precise truth?

The governor said, "Before I came in, the unemployment rate was over 8 percent. It’s now down to 4.6 percent. We’ve more than made up for the jobs that were lost during the recession."

The site said, "The claim that the state ’more than made up’ for the job losses from the recession is a stretch. In December 2007, when the recession started, the state had 2,878,000 jobs, and as of June it had 2,882,000 jobs — a net gain of just 4,000 jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics."

And it also said, "Walker is right about the state’s unemployment rate, but it begs for some context. * * * The state’s rate was 8 percent when Walker took office in January 2011 — a full 1.2 percentage points lower than the U.S. unemployment rate. As of June, Wisconsin’s rate was 4.6 percent — 0.7 percentage points lower than the U.S. at large."

Where is the lie? Am I the only one that noticed that Governor Walker’s statement is the truth and is backed up by BLS numbers? am I the only one who noticed that the unemployment numbers calculated nationally fail to account for the number of people who stopped looking for work because they could not find jobs? Am I the only one who noticed that in January 2011, the country had 137,599,000 people at work, and in June 2015, it had 149,645,000 people working, an increase of just over 8%.

Wisconsin had 2,828,003 employed and 245,912 in January 2011, and 2,938,020 employed and 140,878 unemployed in June 2015. according to BLS. That is 110,107 more people, an increase of 3.9%. The number of unemployed decreased by 30,771. The "fact check site" was off by 26,771 people, that is an understatement of the Wisconsin Employment growth (measured by numbers unemployed) of 87.0%! The number of unemployed decreased by 105,034 people under Scott Walker’s leadership!

Am I the only one who fact-checked the fact checkers?