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Jacques Chirac, Elitist Snob, Jealous Baby

This comes from a London Times article.  Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and our staunchest ally, said in essence that the United Kingdown would act as a bridge between the continent of Europe and the United States of America.  He pledged to be a "damn high wire [walker]" if that would help.  Jacques Chirac, always mindful of and grateful for the hundreds of thousands of Americans who bled and/or died so that he could be president of France today, acted as if we would spurn Mr. Blair’s overture, and said: "I am not sure, with America as it is these days, that it would be easy for someone, even the British, to be an honest broker."  Chirac further stated that The United Kingdom supported the Iraq war, but Chirac "did not see [the USA give the UK] anything in return."  This is consummately short-sighted; we always remember our friends.

"The president of France was rude (what a surprise!), and epitomized the French attitude to which this country’s extreme left sucks up like a remora to a shark."

The president of France was rude (what a surprise!), and epitomized the French attitude to which this country’s extreme left sucks up like a remora to a shark.  America, to these people, is too powerful for its own good.  In reality, America is too powerful for the French to bully.  Chirac continues to outline his megalomaniacal vision of a "multipolar" world, where Europe would unite to be the equal of the United States in world power.  Chirac also derisively insulted Donald Rumsfeld for his notation that there is an "old Europe" and a "new Europe," decrying Mr. Rumsfeld’s astute observation as a "lack of culture." 

Actually, M.Chirac, Mr. Rumsfeld was not displaying a lack of culture but rather a lack of blinders.  He can see that there were many European countries, especially the Eastern bloc and Italy, that see terrorism as the threat that it is. On the other hand, M. Chirac, you granted a state funerary departure last week to a virulent Anti-Semite, the father of terrorism, and a close philosphical cousin to the Nazis that we Americans fought and died to eject from your land.  Even today, we go without so much as a "Thank You" for our effort.  We sent untold billions of assets into France to help rebuild after the war -- Remember the Marshall plan?  But ohh, the Frenchies lead with "L’empire Empire" -- in English, the empire grows worse -- when our people decide to elect George W. Bush to a well-deserved second term!  Why am I surprised?  The closest thing to gratitude we’ve received from France in the sixty years since we liberated them from the Nazis is their budding anti-Semitic faction, as the French embrace the core tenet of the evil Naziism we fought to destroy. 

The French should be tearfully thankful for the next thousand years for what we did for them, twice, before the end of the first half of the 20th Century.  Instead, the president of this country full of ingrates libels our people and our beloved president as power-hungry imperialists?  To use a Jewish term that may earn me death from some anti-Semitic French faction or the other, what mind-numbing chutzpah!  We have never taken land for ourselves, we only requested the amount of land minimally sufficient to bury our dead.  The United States of America is rightly offended by the vulgar, crass, and unconscionable remarks of the despotic president of France.

M. Chirac then continued: "Imagining that there can be division between the British and French vision of Europe is as absurd as imagining that we are building Europe against the United States."  Well, who are you building Europe against?  The Russians?  The Chinese?  The Indians?  A Russo-Sino-Indian axis bent on conquering France for the fine wines of Paulliac?  Don’t feed us horse dung; the taste is not to our liking.  You are building this "United Europe" with the sole purpose of putting the continental European foot on the American neck.  Your impediment comes in the form of the people of the United Kingdom, who like us are fundamental lovers of freedom.  They will not stand with you if you admit your intent to try to build armed force to oppose us.

"M. Chirac, you are a power-hungry maniac who is passionately in love with terrorists, or at least the terror money lining your pockets.  You intend to unite Europe under the French banner, posing as the EU banner; you intend to subsume the our friends, the United Kingdom, in the process."

M. Chirac, you are a power-hungry maniac who is passionately in love with terrorists, or at least the terror money lining your pockets.  You intend to unite Europe under the French banner, posing as the EU banner; you intend to subsume the our friends, the United Kingdom, in the process.  You then intend to build this "united Europe" up as a means to oppose freedom, fairness and equality, since the United States of America delivers it now as we prosecute the war on terror.  No other conclusion makes sense.  You realize that America effectively runs the Earth, and your lucrative deals with terrorists are at risk.  You certainly are not preparing to make a comparable military power to the United States of America for the purpose of fighting your terrorist gravy train.

Your iron-mixed-with-clay EU empire is intended to dilute the United States of America as the controlling force of this world.  You are insanely maddened at the prospect of seeing the common man prevail, which is the entire life story of this wonderful country.  Your ragtag empire will fail because 20 centuries of infighting cannot be erased by some high-fallutin’ speeches and a State funerary bon voyage for Yasser Arafat.  It will fail because the UK will not subvert its sovereignty to a people who think it a major event to send pigs into the forest to sniff out hideously-overpriced fungi.

"M. Chirac, there is no way in the foreseeable future that an United Europe, assuming that you could fully unite Europe, could ever be the equal of the United States."

M. Chirac, there is no way in the foreseeable future that an United Europe, assuming that you could fully unite Europe, could ever be the equal of the United States.  To be our equal would require you to cough up the terrorists with whom you now cozy up for the sake of greed.  How can you and your government, who traded in the blood of children with Saddam Hussein, and only objected to the removal of this genocidial maniac in order to keep your gravy train running, have any moral authority to stamp out the enemies of freedom?  How can the French, who could only think to shorten the work week by law in order to make more work to cur ridiculously high unemployment rates, ever be industrious enough to actually build and keep an United Europe?

"Mark my words, as the United States and the United Kingdom continue to eradicate terrorism from the rest of the world, those same terrorists who were coddled and encouraged by these despots of Old Europe will turn on them and set up shop there."

Mark my words, as the United States and the United Kingdom continue, with the help of the New Europe that Chirac claims is an illusion, to eradicate terrorism from the rest of the world, these terrorists who were coddled and encouraged by the despots of Old Europe will turn on them and set up shop there. Then Chirac and his oligarchy, these haughty snobs who think that is their destiny to rule over all others, will come to the Oval Office humiliated, hat in hand, to beg for our help.  And in that, day, will we bring up the horrible, disgusting, evil comments of M. Chirac made in November, 2004 and tell them to enjoy a nice heaping helping of WMD’s?  No.  Will we gloat over their haughty spirits and tell them to go "unite" and help themselves?  No.  Will we exact tribute from them for killing the Frankenstein’s monster that they created?  No.  Will we go over there and fight and bleed and die and win the war that these snobbish ingrates started, adding to the over 56,000 Americans who rest in French soil because they died in the fight to liberate France?  Of course.  And, at the end of the day, when the last terrorist is dead and buried, as are thousands of our own brave soldiers, will we get a thank-you?  No, no way.  These consummate ingrates will deride and excoriate us, insult us, berate us, look down their noses at us.  They will continue, verbally if not also actually, to urinate on the graves of those brave Americans who died to liberate them.

And when, not if, they go out screw it up yet again, the USA and the UK will march over there together, clean up their messes, and take another round of insults for our trouble.  Welcome to France.