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Jack-Boot Jackasses Push Liberal Propaganda in Our Schools

In Parsippany, New Jersey, high school teacher Joseph Kyle organized a mock trial of President Bush, accusing him of "crimes against civilian populations" and "inhumane treatment of prisoners."  The parents found out and are rightfully angry.  The school board is intervening.  In Denver, high-school teacher Sean Allen went on an anti-American bush-hating tirade, with a speech that closely resembles the rantings of Khrushchev from the late 1950s.  That teacher is at risk for his job, and rightly so.  We have a tension between the First Amendment and our right to protect our youth from evil messages.  And, certainly, doubtlessly, both of these messages are evil.

Now mock trials of elected American leaders (link here), and Anti-American tirades in our schools (link here) are certainly nothing new.  I remember my 5th grade social studies class at SS. Peter & Paul grammar school in Chicago.  Mrs. Leonard, my teacher, was having us hold a mock 1972 Presidential election .  She had the students fashion ballots and cast votes.  For herself, she told my deskmate to prepare her a ballot with "just the Democratic box" on it.  On that October day in 1972, by that action, she made me into a Republican.  She also had a tough time that day, because President Nixon still won in our class.

"Will the defense get to present that Saddam had killed close to one million people during his bloody reign, and we stopped that?  Or will they focus on testimony of surrogates who complain that President Bush is personally responsible for collateral bomb damage in a war?"

But let’s focus on this mock trial for a second.  Will the defense get to present that Saddam had killed close to one million people during his bloody reign, and we stopped that?  Or will they focus on testimony of surrogates who complain that President Bush is personally responsible for collateral bomb damage in a war, like "Hachemi Abdullah, an Iraqi man who allegedly lost several family members in a U.S. bombing raid." Will they focus on the purported lack of WMD’s?  Will the defense get to present evidence that Saddam was paying the families of suicide bombers $25,000 per explosion?

I don’t need to dignify this garbage with an answer.  The Left, believes that they are ordained to rule over us, and that conservatism is a crime.  The country has, thank God, swung to the right; no matter how much the mainstream press fabricates polls to try to convince the country that the opposite is true.  To those who say that this kind of exercise in a classroom full of impressionable youth is akin to treason, you have my full agreement.

However, nowadays, a desperate, mortally-wounded, Left wing is pulling out every stop to attempt to force their evil and morally bankrupt doctrine upon us.  No matter how much Mr. Allen tries to characterize the United States as the "most violent" nation on Earth, we cannot escape the fact that we go and bleed and die to bring freedom. 

And yes, Mr. Allen, we are capitalists, and we work make a profit.  Your speech, where you say, "...where does it say anything about capitalism is an economic system that will provide everyone in the world with the basic needs that they need? Is that a part of this system? Do you see how this economic system is at odds with humanity? At odds with caring and compassion? It’s at odds with human rights,"  is stilted, immature, ignorant and myopic.  Capitalism is the only system that gives a person the chance to achieve; that, after life, is the ultimate human right.  An economic system is not there to take care of you; you have the responsibility to make your own way in the world. 

"It’s immature, even babyish, to arrogantly expect other people to provide you with your basic needs.  But that is the way of the Left and Socialism: Charity on their terms, to all, and under penalty of law."

It’s immature, even babyish, to arrogantly expect other people to provide you with your basic needs.  But that is the way of the Left and Socialism: Charity on their terms, to all, and under penalty of law.  The only problem is that such a doctrine assumes, and most wrongly so, that Capitalism is selfish and non-charitable.  But the facts scream the opposite.  Why is it that the most successful capitalists are the most caring and compassionate people in history?  Bill and Melinda Gates have donated tens of billions of dollars to help those who need help.  John D. Rockefeller, dead these many decades, still gives aid to the less fortunate through his foundation.  During his life, he was a big helper of the less fortunate.  Andrew Carnegie gave away his entire fortune; when he started he was the richest man on Earth.  Alfred Nobel’ foundation still gives away millions to be betterment of us all, even though it is controlled by preachy leftists now.  Capitalism breeds compassion.  Socialism breeds dependency and a sense of entitlement.  I can think of very little greater evil to foist upon a people than to take away their desire to excel.

These evil leftists, see the end of their reign of terror over the minds of America coming to a close.  We, as a people, have taken back our commonsense, and are in the process of taking our country back from elitist snobs who actually believe that the people are too stupid to see through their garbage.  The Left is being reduced to thumbing their noses at decency and goodness, with such things as a Brokeback Mountain Oscar festival.  They are being reduced to making up phony approval polls to attempt to deflate us.  The teachers who look to the Democrats to protect them against accountability (see above on dependency) are reduced to desperate last-ditch measures like accusing us of atrocities and putting our duly elected President on trial for war crimes.

"This must be stopped.  And, in my opinion, stopping such conduct does not implicate constitutional issues.  Teachers are there to teach what is approved by the people, not to use the privileged position of trust they occupy to run a mini-indoctrination camp."

This must be stopped.  And, in my opinion, stopping such conduct does not implicate constitutional issues.  Teachers are there to teach what is approved by the people, not to use the privileged position of trust they occupy to run a mini-indoctrination camp.  As I previously said, the Left looks at the schools as indoctrination centers for their fundamentally evil policy.  That is why they rabidly oppose our freedom of school choice; they want to control what you and I think.  Because, when we think, we see their doctrine for the oppressive folly that it truly is.  I support a law that prohibits teachers from espousing any political viewpoint in the classroom.  It’s one’s right to take up a picket sign and call George W. Bush a bloody murderer or whatever on one’s own time.   It’s another to force your viwpoint down someone else’s throat.  In school , we must teach our children to respect elected authority.  To do otherwise breeds anarchy, and we will end up with chaos, and then, a Hitler-like character running this place.  Probably someone from the present Democratic party.