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To Hillary Clinton and Howard Dean: Bring it on!

The elite leftists are in massive denial over their punishing defeat at the hand of the GOP on November 2.  The people literally screamed at the Democratic party that they are not selfish oafs who will vote their pocketbook and nothing else.  The people made it clear that they have values, and they hold them dear.  The people made it clear that the hype and the spin mean little to nothing; a two-year intense campaign to demonize, defame and deconstruct our President failed spectacularly, notwithstanding the "willing accomplices in the media" (a truism, of the highest order, from Rush Limbaugh).  They are horribly disconnected from the common man that their spin artists claim they champion.  Their solution?  Consider Howard Dean as the new DNC chairman!

"If Howard Dean is the DNC chairman, we will, starting in 2006, be subjected to relentless vicious demagoguery, spin in lieu of substance, Hillary 2008 and an even more extreme move to the left."

As a proud GOP supporter, and an admitted partisan, I should be jumping for joy at the prospect.  However, I am a tad saddened; I love a good intellectual debate.  If Howard Dean is the DNC chairman, we will, starting in 2006, be subjected to relentless vicious demagoguery, spin in lieu of substance, Hillary 2008 and an even more extreme move to the left.  Bring it on!  We’ll win more congressional seats in 2006, and the 2008 election, regardless of who the GOP runs, will be a drubbing that will make Reagan/Mondale 1984 look like Bush/Gore 2000.

Here’s my advice to the Democrats:  First, take a good, hard look at the maps.  George Bush won more electors, and more counties, in 2004 than 2000.  You tried to use your friends the press to manufacture no less than eight phony scandals about our President, and I believe that, absent your efforts, George W. Bush would have been within shot of a fifty state electoral win, and would have accumulated fifteen more percentage points.  The country is moving back to its core values.  The people have adjudged your policies, to the highly limited extent that you actually make them known, to be incompatible with their desires for the country they own and run.  You, of course, think the people stupid for not seeing things your way, and many of you threatened to emigrate in a hissyfit of immature crybabyism.  You are ignoring the will of the people in a classic example of denial.

Most Western Europeans side with the Dems, but I would like to quote Mark Steyn in the UK Telegraph of November 9:

"It wasn’t the economy, stupid. It was the stupidity, stupid. No man is an island, but the Democrats expect voters to act as if they are. Don’t think about national security and war and Iraq and Iran and North Korea - that’s all way beyond a loser like you. You’re too ’terrified’ about your job to be bothered with the foreign pages. It’s practically the Depression out there.

"OK, it’s not. But it’s a recession. OK, it’s not. But there aren’t any jobs out there. OK, there are. But they’re not like the jobs you used to have, when you could go to the mill and do the same job day in day out for 45 years, and it made it so much easier for us come election time because there were large numbers of you all in the same place when we flew in for the campaign stop. But the point is: you are an island, stick to ’pocketbook issues,’ think about yourself.

"The Left always used to accuse the Right of appealing to the voters’ selfishness, but this year the Dems did and it got them nowhere."

Since the extreme left suffers from terminal European Xenophilia, perhaps Mr. Steyn’s words will ring true to them.

Some of us in the Conservative movement think that it would be great if the liberals continue on this road to ruin.  I disagree.  I want the left to define their position honestly and in detail and put it out there for intellectual debate.  Remember that we learned to develop and articulate our conservative position as the "perpetual minority" party, as the Democrats ran the country with impunity, grew comfortable, and thought nothing of the possibility that their word would be someday challenged.  We are coming into our own as the controlling force for a generation of American politics.  I want the liberals to define their position logically and clearly.  I want them to continue to challenge us!  I want the liberals to keep on the Conservatives, day in, day out, as long as they put forth logical arguments and give up on the fearmongering and spin and B.S.  What I fear, however, is the Howard Dean "yaaaaaaaaaah" DNC will concentrate solely on fearmongering, demonization and horse dung.

"I would prefer that Senator-elect Barack Obama of Illinois, a liberal with a mind...end up as the intellectual champion of the left wing.  He would give us a run for our money and keep us on our toes."

I would prefer that Senator-elect Barack Obama of Illinois, a liberal with a mind (yes, he proves it’s possible and even probable), end up as the intellectual champion of the left wing.  He would give us a run for our money and keep us on our toes.  You may see this in 2012 if Illinois Governor Obama makes a run against President Condi Rice, my dream election.  It will remain a dream unless Howard Dean goes back to his Vermont medical practice, and Hillary decides to stay in the Senate.

If the liberals want it this way, bring it on.  As in the classic song, "No Mercy, No Quarter,"  we’ll "fight back tears as [we] destroy [their] live[s]."  And the era of honest political debate in the United States of America will end.